Pictured Above Liberty Our Milky Verreaux Eagle Owl On A Visit To Oxford University


We have some Wonderful Birds to bring some of which are not seen anywhere else on display in the UK and some have Featured on many TV Shows...
Including Our Very Famous Bailey Who Has Featured on The Very Popular BBC Show 'Operation Ouch'..



Over the Years We Have Worked With Hundreds of Schools all Over the UK.. From Nursery to Junior, Primary, Comprehensive, College and University..

We Can Bring in Birds That are Not Seen Anywhere Else on Display in the UK.. From Owls to Eagles, Vultures, Falcons, Kites to Very Unusual Birds.. And of Course the Children Can Get To Hold Them..


Download our Falconry UK Schools Flyer - CLICK HERE


Our School Visits Are Award Winning, Very Popular And Second To None


Falconry UK School Presentations are run by Experienced and Professional Falconers with a Passion for the Birds that will thrill the Children.... Our Birds will Melt their Hearts.

From Primary through to Junior and Comprehensive, the School Experience covers topics within the National Curriculum which cover many subjects included in the various key stages.

These may be as varied as : Environment, Habitat, Adaptation and Evolution.

The Talk is Presented in a language aimed specifically at the pupil’s age in way to ensure they understand and relate to the information they receive.



Blu.... Our Blue Winged Kookaburra Flying Recently at a School Educational Visit... At Tonyrefail Comprehensive School



We have some Wonderful Birds to bring some of which are not seen anywhere else on display in the UK and some have Featured on many TV Shows...

Quite frankly you wont get what we offer from anywhere else...

We Cover Many Topics from:

Owls & Bird of Prey Abilities - Eyes and Hearing, Anatomy, Habitat, Camouflage, Flight, Diet Etc....

During the Talk, some of the children will get to hold our Birds (more children with longer visits) and of course you can take as many pictures as you like.

We Even Have an Amazing Bird We Can Bring, That Will Perform Some Puzzles for You... This is Not to be Missed...


falconry uk school talk

Pictured Above - One Of Our Educational Talks


We Bring Along Many Different Illistrations and Objects to Explain our Topics, Such as:

Sculls (Not Real but Exact Replicas)

Talons (Not Real but Exact Replicas)

Eggs (Not Real but Exact Replicas)


Owl Pellets


falconry uk school visit bailey

Pictured Above - Bailey Or White Faced Scops Owl Interacting With Some Students During An Educational Talk


Need Help Offsetting the cost or some of the cost of our visit... Some Schools ask us to allow time to do photographs with the children from the Year Groups we see, holding our amazing birds...

They then charge the Parents for these Photographs which helps cover the cost of our visit.. By doing this schools are also able to book us for longer visits and see more years groups...

We Have 3 Simple Options For You To Choose From Depending On Your Needs...


Option 1 - Educational Talks

falconry uk school setup

Pictured Above Is Our Typical Indoor Setup For Our School Educational Talks


We will bring along around 6-8 Birds of Prey including, Eagles, Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Kites and Owls (Depending on the Year Group) in Travelling Boxes, bring them out one at a time and give an Educational Talk to your Students.

Of Course the Children can get to Hold our Birds (More Children on Longer Visits)

During the Talk we will Talk About:

Anatomy, Habitat, Camouflage, Flight, Diet etc...

We will also bring along and show the children, Skulls, Feathers, Talons, Eggs and Bird 'Pellets' (Undigested Parts of their Food Formed into a Cast)...


1 Hour Visit - £145.00

2 Hour Visit - £185.00

Half Day Visit - £230.00

Full Day Visit - £290.00



falconry uk school visit bailey 1 falconry uk school visit blu


Pictured Above - Students Holding Our Birds During An Educational Talk


Option 2 - Educational Talks & Workshops

falconry uk school workshop

Pictured Above - A School Working Together, Breaking Apart Owl Pellets


We will bring along around 6-8 Birds of Prey including, Eagles, Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Kites and Owls (Depending on the Year Group) in Travelling Boxes, bring them out one at a time and give an Educational Talk to your Students...

Of Course the Children can get to Hold our Birds (More Children with Longer Visits)

During the Workshop we will Study In Depth:

Anatomy, Habitat, Camouflage, Flight, Diet etc...

We will bring along and study in depth, Skulls, Feathers, Talons and Eggs...

We will also break apart and study Owl 'Pellets' (Undigested Parts of their Food Formed into a Cast)... The Children love this part... They can discover by identifying the bones, what they have eaten the day before...

To finish off our Workshop we have a Fun Quiz to test everyone on what they have learned through the visit.


Half Day Visit - £260.00

Full Day Visit - £325.00


falconry uk school workshop 1

Pictured Above - Close Up Of The Owl Pellets



falconry uk school workshop 2

Pictured Above - Close Up Of The Owl Pellets


Option 3 - Full Static Educational Display and Talk

This Option Is For Outdoors School Events - School Fetes etc...


static setup

Pictured Above - A Full Static Setup


We will bring along around 8-10 Birds of Prey including, Eagles, Vultures, Hawks, Falcons, Kites and Owls, set them out on display indoors or outdoors... We can provide 5m x 4m Astroturf for indoor setups, so there is no mess... and a Gazebo for outdoor setups, if needed.


Half Day Visit - £280.00

Full Day Visit - £340.00


When Booking Why Not Add Our Professional Photograph Option

falconry uk school professional photographs

Pictured Above - A Cropped Version Of Our Professional Photographs

Why Not Add Our Professional Photograph Option... Where the Children and Teachers Can Have Thier Photographs Taken With One of Our Amazing Birds Professionally.

Usually Schools Offset This Payment To The Parents, Of Course You Can Increase The Photograph Price If You Wish, As a Way of Helping Pay For Our Visit Cost.

We Have Various Backgrounds Depending on Your Theme.. We Will Bring Along Our Professional Photographer to Take the Photographs.

We Can Allocate the Time to Take the Photogrpahs Seperate to the Talks.

The Photographs are then Sent to the School, Digitally and Photographs by Post which are 6x5 Prints.

Cost £3.00 Per Photograph

Don't Take Our Word For It !


This is the second year running we have had Jason and his stunning birds of prey visit us in our primary school in East London. Jason travelled all the way from Wales to make the visit and he did not disappoint. He was able to teach our smallest children all about the birds in child friendly language and make the staff and parents laugh with his ...

Kerry Cooper - Harry Gosling Primary School

Jason visited 1st Hazlemere Rainbows and 3rd Hazlemere Brownies at the end of November. He was amazing; his birds are gorgeous; and the girls were captivated all evening! Just amazing! He was recommended to me by an Explorer Scout from High Wycombe (who happened to be my daughter!) and she was totally right. A wonderful evening. Would ...

Liz - 1st Hazlemere Rainbows and 3rd Hazlemere Brownies

Jason brought his amazing birds to my son's 5th Birthday Party. I wasn't too sure exactly what to expect, but the experience exceeded all expectations. All the children and parents had an amazing time and I would definitely recommend Falconry UK! The kids and parents were intrigued by Jason's quick tutorials of each bird, and it made their day ...

Pradeep Moorthy - Private Birthday Party

Jason came to our house this morning for a surprise present for my father. It took about ten minutes to set up and he was ready. The talks on each bird were very interesting and we had time to glove up and hold the birds. It was so nice to get so close to the birds and see some rare breeds. My favourite was Taz the Tawny Frogmouth. I would ...

Claire Harvey - Private Booking

Amazing! Jason and his birds were brilliant and my daughter and her friends had a great time. We all fell in love with Rocco the Pygmy falcon too.

Sarah Galbraith - Private Birthday Party

As we had a bird illustrator visiting us for World book Day, we thought bringing the topic to life with some birds would help to inspire the children - and we weren't wrong! Jason did talks for all departments of the school form Early Years to Year 8, and the sessions were universally heralded as a success. We also had handling sessions for Year ...

Suzy Martin - Stroud School

This was our first visit from Falconry UK for Years 1 and 2 and it was such a wonderful experience. The time spent teaching, combined with meeting and getting to hold the incredible birds, left the children spending the rest of the recounting. It will certainly be a day they’ll remember! Thank you for providing your fantastic expertise and ...

Viv Woon - Elmhurst School

A big thank you to Jason & Robert for a great day of interaction and information on their amazing owls. They were a great addition at our office event, highly recommended :-)

Nicola Reverchon - Booking.com

We were lucky enough to be able to welcome Jason and his birds back to Longton Exchange in Stoke to celebrate Potteries Potions first year with us. Despite the weather they had a slow stream of visitors keen to meet the birds. Thank you all

Yvonne Moulton - Longton Exchange

I booked for our school Science week and the children absolutely loved it! Not only do you get to see, feel and hold a variety of birds, you learn an abundance of information too. The children have insisted that we re-book for next year! Claire (Science Lead at Scott Wilkie Primary School)

Claire Singh - Scott Wilkie Primary School

Of Course We Are Fully Insured and Have a Current 'Performing Animal Licence'.

Risk Assessments are Also Available if Required.


Please Contact Us As We Can Tailor What We Offer To Suit You.


contact telephone 0844 504 7742
contact mobile 07761 858672
contact email admin@falconry-uk.org